Jonathan Morales
About Jonathan

Hi everyone! My name is Jonathan Morales and I am super excited to get to know you all this summer. Before I get to officially meet you all, I thought I should share a little about myself. I am originally from Fullerton, California which is about a 15-minute drive from Disneyland down in Socal. I am a rising Junior studying Human Biology with a concentration in The Influence of Neuroscience on Shaping Human Cognition and Behavior on the pre-medical track. I'm a coffee enthusiast, and in my free time, I like trying different coffee shops, going on spontaneous adventures with friends, trying different styles, and exploring the city. If you ever want to chat about coffee, beaches, fashion, being pre-med, or anything in life I'm always here. I hope to foster a sense of community and look forward to meeting you all. Sending the warmest welcome to Stanford!